Key reading locations

There are some key interaction points where your vehicle can detect your keys to let you lock, unlock or drive it.

Interaction points for keys

Interaction points for keys
Interaction points for keys
  1. 1Key reading sensor in the driver's door pillar
  2. 2Card reader between the front seats

Key reading sensor in the door pillar

You can lock and unlock the vehicle by placing any type of key on the key reading sensor in the driver's door pillar.

Location on door pillar responsive to key card
Key reading location on the driver's door pillar

Make sure the card or device is laid flat against the reader. If you're using a key tag, the logo should be facing towards you.

Key reader

You can place your key card or a discharged key tag on the card reader between the front seats to get driving access.

Card reader location
The card reader between the front seats is also the wireless charger.


The card reader won't work at the same time as the wireless charger.