Washing the vehicle in an automatic car wash

Volvo recommends that you wash the vehicle by hand so that you can properly reach all parts of the vehicle. However, an automatic car wash is a simple way to quickly clean your vehicle as soon as it gets dirty.


Volvo recommends that you do not use an automatic car wash during the first few months, when the vehicle is still new. This allows the paintwork to harden properly.


Before using an automatic car wash

Before driving up to the car wash, remember to:

  • check that doors and hatches are closed
  • disable the rear auto brake in the parking view
  • reduce the alarm sensitivity if you won't be inside the vehicle while it's being washed
  • secure any auxiliary lights.

Once you're waiting to enter the car wash, activate car wash mode in settings to get your vehicle ready. It will then:

  • close all windows
  • turn the wipers off
  • fold the door mirrors in
  • activate air recirculation.

Remember to perform these steps manually if you are not using car wash mode.

Follow the instructions to drive into the automatic car wash and stop at the designated location.
If you are using a rollover car wash:
  • Put the gear in P to engage the parking brake.
If you are using a tunnel car wash:
  • Put the gear in N and take your foot off the brake. Do not apply the parking brake.


In a tunnel car wash, your wheels will need to be able to roll freely throughout the washing process. If auto hold is activated during the wash, disable it by pressing the brake pedal firmly until the auto hold symbol disappears from the display.
When the wash is completed, follow the instructions and drive out.
Car wash mode deactivates automatically when the vehicle starts to pick up speed.
Be sure to reset any functions you changed manually before you drove in.


Always test the brakes after washing, including the parking brake. This helps prevent moisture from causing corrosion, which could reduce brake performance.


To ensure that all vehicle features are available to you, it is recommended that you turn off car wash mode before you reach a public road.