The parking view often appears automatically, such as when you are reversing, but sometimes you need to open it manually. Find the Camera app in the contextual bar or the app library .
Before using Park Pilot Assist
Take the time to read everything about Park Pilot Assist in this manual before using it for the first time. Understanding its capabilities and limitations is important for safe use.
Assess the situation
Make sure the traffic situation and conditions are suitable for activation. Park Pilot Assist can only assist you when you are leaving a parallel parking space.
Your vehicle controls acceleration, braking and steering during Park Pilot Assist maneuvers. Even though your vehicle takes over the driving-related tasks of leaving a parking space, you must still monitor the feature and its maneuvers. This means that as long as you agree with what Park Pilot Assist is doing, you don't need to do anything to speed up, slow down or steer your vehicle. However, you should always be ready to retake control if you feel you need to.
Selecting an available exit path
In the parking view, press the Park Pilot Assist button.
The vehicle begins scanning for an exit path. Use the turn signals to choose the direction.
When a path is identified, it's direction is highlighted in the center display.
Using the accelerator pedal
Finding the right amount of pressure to put on the accelerator can be tricky the first few times. When Park Pilot Assist starts, don't change your pressure on the accelerator too much unless you want to pause the feature. It might be tempting to try to speed things up by pressing more on the accelerator, but this will pause any ongoing maneuver instead. Letting up too much on the accelerator pedal will do the same thing.
During Park Pilot Assist maneuvers
You might experience Park Pilot Assist maneuvers differently, depending on the situation. Sometimes, it might seem like the feature is a bit hesitant or that the vehicle is going backward and forward a lot. This is just part of the process, but it may be caused by difficulties with detection, positioning or planning. In other cases, you might feel that the maneuvers are very fast or straightforward. If your confirmed exit path becomes unavailable or the maneuvers can't be completed, your vehicle will notify you. If you don't see a notification, you can let the vehicle continue as long it's safe to do so.