Article version 2024.253.0

Legal Notice

Effective from:

Published at:

Hereinafter, "Volvo Cars" refers to Volvo Car Corporation, one or more units of Volvo Car Group or Volvo Car Group as a whole, as applicable.

No warranties

Even though we have strived to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") with all reasonable measures, the information on the Site is provided "as is". Volvo Cars shall not be liable for direct, indirect or consequential losses incurred due to the use of this Site or sites linked to it via hyperlinks, such as loss of income, interruption of business or loss of software or stored data from data processing systems, even if we had been informed of the possibility of such losses.

Volvo Cars makes no warranties nor assumes liability for other websites that you may be able to access via this Site. Such sites are only offered to make use easier and do not mean that Volvo Cars was liable for their content or use in any way. In addition to this, you shall take the required precautionary measures and ensure that the device you use to access the site (and the software used for it) is protected against viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other malicious actors.

Information pertaining to Volvo Cars products or services purchased or used by you contained by this Site shall be subject to the terms and conditions in force concerning such products or services.

The information contained by this Site may include technical inaccuracies or typographic errors. The content of the Site may be changed at any time without notice. Please, also note that Volvo Cars reserves the right to make changes to its products and services, including prices, at any time.

The information on the Site may include references to Volvo Cars products and services not published or not available in your country. Such references do not mean that Volvo Cars would intend to offer the said products or services in your country. Please, also note that some products and services may only be available at an additional price and that the information included in the Site may contain errors due to product changes which have taken place after the publication or most recent update of the Site. Contact your Volvo Cars retailer for complete information about the availability of products and services.

Special software available on the Site

All of the software available for downloading on the Site (hereinafter referred to as "the Software") are copyrighted works of Volvo Cars and/or its licensors.

The use of the Software is subject to the terms and conditions of the end-user licence agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Licence Agreement") concerning or included in the Software. Unless otherwise stated in the Licence Agreement, the Software may only be downloaded for use by end-users. The Software may only be used for its original purpose, unless otherwise stated in the Licence Agreement. Copying and distributing the Software in breach of the Licence Agreement is absolutely prohibited and may result in civil and criminal liability.

If the Software has a warranty, it is only valid in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Licence Agreement. Notwithstanding the warranties included in the Licence Agreements, Volvo Cars makes no warranties, including implied terms, commercialisation and usability for a specific purpose and warranties and terms and conditions concerning the non-infringement of names and rights.

Exercising the rights of the data subject