Article version 2024.187.0

Volvo Car Service Plan and Volvo Car Service Plan Plus

Effective from:

Published at:

This document describes the services and products that are included in your Volvo Car Service Plan and, if you purchased Volvo Car Service Plan Plus, the wear and tear components (set out below) for your car that are included in the price.

The Volvo Car Service Plan and the Volvo Car Service Plan Plus are hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Service Plan”.


The Service Plan is valid for a fixed, sequenced number of scheduled maintenance services from the date of purchasing this Service Plan, [or for the period as set out in your order specification].

Volvo Car Service Plan

The Service Plan consists of Volvo Car Service which means the maintenance service work (which includes labour cost and material) to be performed on your car in accordance with Volvo Car’s recommendations, including functionality and safety checks of limited wear and tear components, as well as actions performed at specified service intervals. More information about the Volvo Car Service can be found in the owner’s manual and service and warranty handbook of your car.

The Volvo Car Service may be amended by Volvo Cars.

Volvo Car Service Plan Plus

The Service Plan Plus contains scheduled maintenance services according to the Service Plan (as described above) as well as components and labour for the wear and tear as set out below (which will vary depending on your car model).

For a fully electric car the following wear and tear components are included:

  • wiper blades replacement
  • brake discs and brake pads replacement

For a plug-in hybrid, petrol, or diesel car the following wear and tear components are included:

  • wiper blades replacement
  • brake discs and brake pads replacement
  • starter battery replacement and charging

Any other wear and tear components not set out above are excluded from the Service Plan Plus.

Wear and tear repairs are at all times subject to the professional judgement of the Volvo Car Authorized Workshop performing the service and cannot be claimed by the customer unless the professional judgement of the Volvo Car Authorized Workshop deems it necessary. In conjunction with Volvo Car Service, the Volvo Car Authorized Workshop is obliged to perform necessary wear and tear inspections and replacements of such components covered by the Service Plan Plus without customer having to request it to be done.

Please note that the inclusion of wear and tear components does not impact the reference to ‘wear and tear’ in the service and warranty handbook of your car.

You remain responsible for regularly checking in between scheduled workshop visits for any wear and tear needs that may affect the roadworthiness of the car. If you believe that there is a need for wear and tear maintenance, please contact the Customer Relations Centre.


The Service Plan is subject to the “Specific Terms for Volvo Car Service Plan” set out below (as may be amended from time to time).

Specific Terms for Volvo Car Service Plan

1. General

1.1 These terms set out the terms and conditions for the Service Plan “Terms". Before accepting them, please take the time to read them carefully.

1.2 The term “you” or “your” in these Terms refers to you as contracting party.

2. Who We Are

2.1 We are Volvo Car Corporation (reg. no 556074-3089), part of Volvo Car Group, and our registered address is Assar Gabrielssons Väg, 405 31 Gothenburg, Sweden (”we”, ”our” or ”us” which also includes any affiliate of Volvo Cars “Affiliate”). We are your contractual partner.

3. Who You Are

3.1 You confirm that you are (i) capable of forming a contract, (ii) if you are a consumer - at the age of 18 or above, and (iii) if you represent a legal entity - authorised to represent the legal entity.

3.2 You confirm that all the details you provide to us are true and correct. You are responsible, at all times, to keep the contact details you provided up to date. Please contact our Customer Relations Centre as soon as possible if you change any of your contact details.

3.3 You also confirm that you are not a person, or acting on behalf of a person, designated on any sanctions list imposed by the UN, EU, United Kingdom or US, and that you will not sell, provide or transfer the right to access and make use of the Services to any such sanctioned person, or to any person located in (a) a country or territory which is, or whose government is, the subject of comprehensive sanctions, as may be in place or imposed from time to time, including (but not limited to) Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, the Crimea region of Ukraine, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic region of Ukraine, the so-called Kherson People’s Republic region of Ukraine, the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic region of Ukraine and the so-called Zaporizhzhia People’s Republic region of Ukraine, (b) Russia or (c) Belarus. If at any time this turns out not to be true, your Contract will be terminated with immediate effect, without any liability to compensate you whatsoever. Furthermore, according to law we may not be able to repay any payments that you may have made to us.

4. Contract

4.1 You accept these Terms in relation to purchasing the Service Plan either by placing an order through one of Volvo Car’s digital channels or via a Volvo Car retailer. These terms together with the description of the applicable Service Plan (as set out above including any limitations) forms the contract (“Contract”).

A binding contract is entered into between you and us for the Service Plan either when we have approved your order (we reserve the right to at our sole discretion reject your order), or you have paid for the Service Plan.

5. Right to Withdrawal (Applicable for Orders through Volvo Cars Digital Channels)

5.1 For a Contract that has been concluded through a Volvo Cars digital channel, you have the right to cancel your Contract within fourteen (14) days after entering into your Contract without giving any reason. To exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform us of your decision to cancel the Contract by a clear statement. You can do this by contacting our Customer Relations Centre (contact) or by sending your cancellation to the address or e-mail noted on this form. You can use the standard form linked to in these Terms to give cancellation, although it is not required.

5.2 If you decide to cancel the Contract, we will within fourteen (14) days after receiving your cancellation request, reimburse you for any payments which we have received from you in relation to the Contract. If you already have performed a maintenance service under your Service Plan before you exercise your right of cancellation, we will either make a reasonable deduction from the reimbursement corresponding to the cost of such maintenance service or if you have chosen monthly instalments as payment option under the Service Plan we will charge you for the remaining cost of such maintenance service performed that is not covered by the payment you already have made to us.

5.3 We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction. You will not incur any fees from us as a result of the reimbursement.

5.4 Nothing in the Contract will affect your statutory rights, whether in relation to your cancellation right or otherwise.

6. Price and Payment

6.1 The purchase price is the amount shown when placing the order and confirmed in your order summary or in the order specification received from a Volvo Car retailer.

6.2 You hereby understand and agree that you are contractually bound to pay the purchase price in full.

6.3 You are responsible for paying the purchase price through available payment options.

6.4 You are also responsible for the payment of any taxes, such as VAT, related to the Contract.

6.5 Monthly instalments – applicable for orders through Volvo Cars digital channels

6.5.1 In case you have monthly instalments: Payment will be made by monthly instalments over the chosen period and is made by an automatic deduction from the payment details that you provide to us. The first Instalment is payable on the date the contract for Service Plan starts and the subsequent instalments are payable each month thereafter. It is important that you ensure, monthly, that the amount to be paid can be deducted from your bank account and that you have provided the correct payment information.

6.5.2 You can cancel the monthly instalment plan by paying the full balance outstanding of the purchase price. Please contact our Customer Care Centre to pay the full outstanding balance.

6.6 We have the right to use a third party for collection and/or legal actions against you for non-payment of the fees. We reserve the right to claim damages from you for reasonable cost and/or expenses that we may have in relation to such actions, including but not limited to costs of the third party, any legal and administration costs.

7. Period and Termination of Service Plan

7.1 The Contract is valid for the number of scheduled maintenance services included in your Service Plan or the limited period of time as set out in your order specification.

7.2 If you order any scheduled maintenance services and/or wear & tear work and that is carried out after the expiration or termination of this Contract, this will qualify as additional services to be charged according to the normal price and payment conditions of the Volvo Car Authorized Workshop in question.

7.3 This Contract will be terminated/expire automatically (without any further notice):

  1. when all required work has been performed or the limited period has ended;
  2. when services should have occurred in accordance with the service intervals (stated in the owner’s manual and service and warranty handbook of the vehicle) and you have not delivered the vehicle to a Volvo Car Authorized Workshop for Volvo Car Service; or
  3. if your car connected to the Service Plan is exported (sold and registered in another country) to another market

7.4 Volvo Cars has the right to terminate the Contract with immediate effect if the conditions for Volvo Car’s operations in the market change significantly due to circumstances outside of Volvo Car’s control and these circumstances significantly complicate Volvo Car’s ability to perform maintenance service. If this occurs, Volvo Car will refund you for all and any amounts paid for maintenance services not performed.

7.5 The parties have the right to terminate the Contract with immediate effect if the other party commits a severe or repeated breach of its obligations under the Contract.

7.6 Volvo Cars has furthermore the right to terminate this Contract with immediate effect if you do not pay any amount due on the due date and we have sent you at least two reminders. If we terminate the Contract, Volvo Cars will not refund you for any amounts already paid by you and Volvo Cars has the right to claim payment for any maintenance services that has been performed under this Contract prior to the termination.

8. Retailer Interaction and Performance of Maintenance Service

8.1 The Service Plan is connected to the market in which it is originally purchased. Scheduled maintenance service according to the service program can be redeemed at any Volvo Car Authorized Workshop within that market.

8.2 When scheduled maintenance service is due according to your car’s service program, you will need to book a time with a Volvo Car Authorized Workshop in the market in which the Service Plan was originally purchased. You can use our Digital Booking service to make a booking or contact a Volvo Car Authorized Workshop.

9. Change of Ownership of the Car

9.1 Your Contract is connected to your car. If there has been a change in ownership after the Contract was entered into, the term of the Service Plan will remain valid for the new owner. However, the obligation to pay any outstanding amounts to Volvo Cars pursuant to the Contract is personal to you. You are responsible for (a) informing a purchaser of your car about the terms of this Contract, and (b) any payment from the purchaser of the car for any outstanding balance under this Contract.

10. Your Obligations

10.1 The scheduled maintenance service shall be carried out according to Volvo Cars’ recommendations. Scheduled maintenance service is depending on time and mileage and can occur with different time intervals. For the Service Plan to be valid it is further required that you:

  1. drive, maintain and manage the car in accordance with the instructions given in the owner’s manual of the car as well as its service and warranty handbook and your Contract;
  2. conduct routine checks of fluids in the car between recommended service intervals and, if needed, fill up at your own expense; and
  3. deliver, at your own expense, the car to a Volvo Car Authorized Workshop for service at the service intervals stated in the owner’s manual and service and warranty handbook of the car.

11. Exclusions

11.1 The Service Plan does not include any repair work, spare parts or consumables necessary to maintain the roadworthiness of your car (whether determined as a result of the maintenance services or otherwise), or any other work you agree with the Volvo Car Authorized Workshop to be performed. All additional services are subject to a separate agreement between you and the Volvo Car Authorized Workshop and Volvo Cars is not and will not be at any time a party to any agreement for additional services.

11.2 Volvo cars with special service programmes such as (but not limited to) taxi, police, or other specified purposes of usage of the car are excluded and any cost related to such special service programme will be added as an additional cost.

12. Disclaimer

12.1 The Service Plan does not include any obligation of the Volvo Car Authorized Workshop or Volvo Cars to reimburse you in any way for costs, loss of income, loss of time or other damage, caused by you turning the car over to the workshop or caused by you being unable to use the car during the time it has been in the care of the workshop for agreed scheduled maintenance.

12.2 Nothing in these Terms excludes, restricts, or modifies any guarantee, right or remedy implied or imposed by any applicable law which cannot be lawfully excluded or restricted.

13. Processing of Personal Data

13.1 We will process your personal data in relation to providing the agreed services under this Contract to you. All processing will take place in accordance with applicable legislation as well as with our Privacy Policy and any applicable privacy notices, which you can find on our website, [].

14. Applicable Law and Dispute

14.1 Regarding disputes concerning the interpretation or application of this Contract, the parties shall seek to resolve these by mutual agreement. This Contract is governed by laws of the country of purchase of the Service Plan and the venue of any disputes will be the competent national courts.

Express acceptance under the Italian civil code

Pursuant to articles 1341, 1342 of the Italian Civil Code (It. Codie civile), by accepting these Terms, you expressly declare to have examined, understood and accepted the following provisions set out above: